
Alana Winnick

Stay informed about all things generative AI and educational technology.

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🎃 Trick or Treat? Resources to Help Students Navigate Online Safety

October is filled with important celebrations like Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Digital Citizenship Week, and Media Literacy Week - each offering opportunities to teach students how to navigate the digital world responsibly. With Halloween around the corner, it's a perfect time to remind your students that the internet can be full of tricks, but with the right guidance, they’ll find the digital treats! This year, my district is excited to connect these lessons to our new HAWKS pledge, which...

I hope you’re recharged and excited as we gear up for the new school year! As we dive in, I wanted to share a personal story from a recent family vacation that reminded me of the profound influence we hold in our classrooms. Just before heading out, I had a small but memorable encounter at home: I spotted a bug on my wall that immediately made my skin crawl. Fast forward to my family vacation: We were enjoying a beautiful day at the beach when a little ladybug landed on my dress. My...

This year, ISTE came at the perfect time - coinciding with the last week of school! That was sarcasm, but in all seriousness, this conference provides a timely opportunity to wrap up the school year, reflect on our accomplishments, and appreciate the collaborative efforts within our own districts and our valued partners. ISTE serves as a showcase and culmination of the year, bridging the gap between the school year and a well-deserved summer break. During this year's conference, I had the...

After an enriching Day of AI and Week of AI, I’m excited to provide you with a comprehensive recap of essential information, valuable resources, and practical materials designed to support AI integration in your district, school, or classroom. Week of AI: Adventurers from all corners of the globe gathered in a quest to share their AI knowledge. Watch the recorded sessions from the Week of AI to "Level Up Your AI Knowledge!" Day of AI: This curriculum was developed by a team of researchers at...

As we approach the eagerly awaited spring break in K-12, it's crucial to remember the importance of taking time for yourself to recharge. This time of year holds special significance for me. Just last year, I was in Florida with my family indulging in PAPER books by the water. Little did I know, that break would become a pivotal moment in my life. During that week, I found inspiration to evolve my web show into a podcast, and jotted down words on a Google Doc, which would later blossom into a...

This week I read an eye-opening article in the NYT about privacy and transparency in the auto industry. Did you know that automakers are sharing detailed driving behavior data with insurance companies?! It turns out this might be leading to unexpected hikes in insurance rates for some drivers. Picture this: 65-year-old Kenn Dahl noticed his insurance cost skyrocket by 21%. When he dug deeper, he found out his driving data from LexisNexis was to blame. He requested a consumer disclosure report...

Setting the AI Stage 🤖 The beginning of a new school year is the perfect opportunity to set and communicate your expectations. With the growing significance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the educational landscape, it's paramount that we foster an environment of clarity and trust regarding its use. While the prospect of creating an AI-specific policy might seem necessary, it's not imperative. What's crucial is to solidify a position and revisit your existing policies to ensure they align...